Resilience Brokers are here

Resilience Brokers are here

Resilience Brokers are here, with an ambitious Programme that will see the introduction of sustainable development paths in 200 city regions by 2022

The Trust and Resilience Brokers

We have set up Resilience Brokers Ltd, a company wholly owned by the Trust, with the purpose of managing the delivery of the Resilience Brokers Programme. The Resilience Brokers brand, is now part of the Trust’s family of brands, together with

We have come a long way

The Ecological Sequestration Trust (the Trust) hosted the first of a trilogy of meetings at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center in 2015 ( Bellagio I) with the aim of  creating a vision of how to mobilise smart long-term investment in city-regions. This vision had at its heart the world’s first methodology for connecting finance to bankable sustainable development projects, through use of an integrated systems platform for planning, investment and decision making in city-regions, connected to a regional investment fund.

Building on the partnership work of Bellagio I, the Trust and UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN) convened a second conference in March 2016, also at Bellagio, to produce Roadmap 2030, Financing and Implementing the Global Goals in Human Settlements and City-regions by 2030.”

Roadmap 2030 was later presented at Habitat III in Quito and emerged as the only detailed plan for delivering the New Urban Agenda globally.  The Roadmap 2030 outline plan envisages the support to up to 70% of the world’s city-regions by 2025, enabling the mobilisation of $3 trillion of capital annually into inclusive resilient development.

Key contributors to the March 2016 Report conveyed the urge for a more rapid scale up, to which the Trust responded by bringing together a partnership team to develop a detailed delivery plan.

In September 2017, the Trust organised a third convening, also at Rockefeller’s Bellagio Centre: Resilience Brokers – Approaching Programme Implementation. This event brought together leading experts from partner organisations who completed a detailed 5-50-200 city regions scale-up plan and agreed to a Declaration of Commitment to go forward together as the Resilience Brokers. Today, with huge excitement and anticipation, we’re pleased to announce this joint venture.

Resilience Brokers are here…

With new ways of thinking and co-creating driven by the power of collaboration and the networked strengths of an outstanding group of individuals and organisations, working towards a common goal: the rapid transition to resilient development paths in all regions of the world, to set them on track to achieving the Global Goals and `Paris Agreement targets.

Resilience Brokers will provide communities with the tools and support they need to become resilient and able to withstand all emerging global challenges, and a chance to look forward to a better future: a future built on equality, justice, dignity, respect and shared prosperity for all.

Resilience Brokers Programme

An ambitious initiative that will see the implementation of resilient development paths in 200 city regions worldwide by 2022. A Programme designed to foster innovative forms of cross-sector, multidisciplinary collaborations with the aim to mobilise, redirect and unlock the transformative power of trillions of dollars of private funding, required to deliver on sustainable development objectives.  

At the heart of our Programme is, described by leading experts as the most sophisticated integrated city-region modelling platform being developed in the world. A software solution that connects developers, innovators and technology providers, with city stakeholder demand and local communities for collaborative risk- informed investment and policy decision making; and to support efficient infrastructure and technology design and procurement to realise cost savings of up to 40%.

The five year Programme will allow us to complete the final development phase of; build capacity for the deployment of the technology within Collaboratories; and to support the delivery of projects with a focus on city resilience and inclusive, green growth transformation across the 200 target city-regions. Resilience Brokers will then release the technology open source to trigger a rapid scale up, to 70% of all city-regions in the world by 2030. The introduction of resilient development paths at this scale will support the achievement of the Global Goals and improve the lives of more than five billion people.

An important call to action

Today, Resilience Brokers are starting their journey to help the world and we are inviting more experts and networks to join us. Over the next five years we aim to support at least one demonstration region in each country that signed up to the Global Goals. We are actively looking for city regions with big resilience challenges to become demonstrators for our Programme.

Get involved! Get in touch!